
  • Nello, Patrizia, Andrea and Sergio of AL Studio drive an innovative and unique reality that is projected in the future within the national and international scene for its ability to determine changes in the usual way of experiencing the bathroom and the house in general.

    Courage and passion, vision and substance, tradition and innovation, wins and losses: a story of men before the project, a company made of people that work hard day in and day out to transform dreams in products. A long journey that begins with a man and finishes with a brand, as men have always done…

    Passion. In 2007 the company logo was revised. An important decision since it was decided to use the graphics of the original brand, yet enhancing the affirmation of what is now a guarantee of quality, beauty and passion for the bathroom. Today antoniolupi offers its customers everything to create a total elegant and refined look.

    Vision. Has never lacked in the history of what is now antoniolupi but that many years ago came as a workshop from the intuition of Antonio Lupi. He was born in Vinci in 1932 and at 18 years of age begun a production of glass for furnishings. Soon glass gave way to mirrors and during the lucrative years of economic growth the first bathroom furniture products marketed under the name Cristal Lupi Luxor came about.

    Ambition. A new factory in 1969 to sanction continuous growth and the final transition from artisan to industrial. An increasing bonding and grounding with the territory, a success that lasts several years thanks to an expanding array of products. We are at the dawn of the idea of a total look that will be completed only in the year two thousand but, the impression was strong, the goal was clear and the future path traced. 

    Four different personalities, four distant characters, four ways of looking at life but all sharing the same enthusiasm: from the passion for beautiful things to the conviction that to obtain them you must commit yourself. From the assurance in only doing what you can do best to leaving the rest to others. 

Products by AL Studio