
  • Stefano Rosini was born in Rome in 1967 where he still lives. He studied in the same city and graduated in Architecture from the Università La Sapienza. He consolidated his professional experience working for several important architectural firms in Rome. Then in 1997, he decided to open a studio of his own specialized in renovation work and private building projects. He has put his name to many stores in Rome, with a particular focus on design.

    Alexander Duringer lived in Cologne in Germany, the city his family had moved to after leaving Uruguay, where he was born in 1964. For sentimental reasons, he moved to Italy and now resides with his family in Rome. Alexander Duringer and Stefano Rosini met at a sailing course they had both attended. Triplan, created by the two designers. springs from the fusion of their different yet complementary experiences spanning Italy and Germany.

Products by Alexander Duringer & Stefano Rosini