
  • Baldessari & Baldessari studio, founded by Giulio, Paolo and Michela Baldessari, is a professional association active in the fields of architecture, industrial, visual and interior design.

    It has several internal working groups and collaborates with a large network of outside consultants. It curates exhibitions in Italy and abroad. It develops research activities and it is engaged in contests and expositions.

    It has public and private designs underway in the residential housing, office building and industrial facilities, it is working on the restauration of historic and antique palaces and on projects of interior design in addiction to collaboration with design companies like Riva 1920, Pallucco, Adele c, cc-tapis, De Castelli, Atipico , Twils,  Starpool e  Luce di Carrara.

    It received awards and mentions in the 1984 competition “An Italian chair for the USA”, in 1991 “Alcan Award for the use of aluminum in the built environment”, and in the international contest Trau for the design of a workstation. In 2007 it won the first prize in “Competition for new outdoor furnishing experiments” Sun Rimini 2007.

    Award Pida 2013 - section concept hotel - and award Pida 2014 “Pida Friends”.
    In 2015 it won the first prize “One more pack” - creative packaging design - and the prize “Italy that communicates with packaging”.

    In 2020 it received an honorable mention at the XXVI Compasso d'Oro for the exhibit design project at the “Epoca Fiorucci” exhibition staged at Ca 'Pesaro - International Gallery of Modern Art - Venice.
    In 2021 the project of exhibit design at Palazzo Maffei Casa Museo was selected by Adi Design Index 2021.

Products by Baldessari & Baldessari