
  • Bbitalia Lissoni Boreasofa Outdoor 1
  • Bbitalia Lissoni Boreasofa Outdoor 2
  • Bbitalia Lissoni Boreasofa Outdoor 3
Bbitalia Lissoni Boreasofa Outdoor Clear
Bbitalia Lissoni Boreasofa Outdoor Clear2
Bbitalia Lissoni Boreasofa Outdoor Clear3
Bbitalia Lissoni Boreasofa Outdoor Clear4
Bbitalia Lissoni Boreasofa Outdoor Clear5

Borea Outdoor Sofa

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  • Product Finishes

    Anthracite Painted

    Painted Metals - Anthracite painted

    Tortora Painted

    Painted Metals - Tortora painted

    Sage Painted

    Painted Metals - Sage painted

    Clay Painted

    Painted Metals - Clay painted

    Red Colour

    Other Materials - Red colour

    Natural Colour

    Other Materials - Natural colour

    Blue Colour

    Other Materials - Blue colour

    Aquamarine Colour

    Other Materials - Aquamarine colour

    Cream White Colour

    Other Materials - Cream white colour

    Dark Grey Colour

    Other Materials - Dark grey colour

  • Product Details

Borea is a complete and eclectic collection of outdoor seats and tables designed by Piero Lissoni. The numerous pieces in the collection have in common tubular metal structures with a fluid and seamless design, without joints and interruptions, captivating and even emerging in the detail that extends to the base. The metal bending processes take advantage of techniques typically used in the aeronautical sector and transport them into the world of outdoor furniture bringing life to a collection with an unmistakable style. The collection includes two- and three-seater sofas, an oversized armchair, a low small armchair and a dining chair, all with stackable aluminum structures painted. Comfort is ensured by generous cushions, which are not only soft and relaxing but were also developed to be sustainable. Paddings are in fact made with polyester fiber filling coming from recycled PET plastic bottles enveloping a different densities polyurethane core. 510 1500 ml bottles are needed to create the padding for a Borea three-seater sofa, 390 bottles for the twoseater sofa, 280 for the armchair.

Borea is a complete and eclectic collection of outdoor seats and tables designed by Piero Lissoni. The numerous pieces in the collection have in common tubular metal structures with a fluid and seamless design, without joints and interruptions, captivating and even emerging in the detail that extends to the base. The metal bending processes take advantage of techniques typically used in the aeronautical sector and transport them into the world of outdoor furniture bringing life to a collection with an unmistakable style. The collection includes two- and three-seater sofas, an oversized armchair, a low small armchair and a dining chair, all with stackable aluminum structures painted. Comfort is ensured by generous cushions, which are not only soft and relaxing but were also developed to be sustainable. Paddings are in fact made with polyester fiber filling coming from recycled PET plastic bottles enveloping a different densities polyurethane core. 510 1500 ml bottles are needed to create the padding for a Borea three-seater sofa, 390 bottles for the twoseater sofa, 280 for the armchair.


Piero Lissoni

Piero Lissoni is an influential Italian designer and architect known for his minimalist, elegant, and functional designs.

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B&B Italia Outdoor

Freedom, comfort and aesthetic research for outdoor living.

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