
  • Ahr0chm6ly9zmy5lds1jzw50cmfslteuyw1hem9uyxdzlmnvbs9syxn2axquy29tl2ntcy9tzwrpys8ymdiwlza3lzi5l29rmw56el9syxn2axrfdghlb3j5lw9mlwxpz2h0x2v1cm9sdwnlltiwmtktmtm5ls5qcgc
  • Ahr0chm6ly9zmy5lds1jzw50cmfslteuyw1hem9uyxdzlmnvbs9syxn2axquy29tl2ntcy9tzwrpys8ymde5lzaxlzazlzbszgi4ml9jcm9wcgvkxze1ndy1mzewodaxnzi0nju2ms5qcgc
  • Ahr0chm6ly9zmy5lds1jzw50cmfslteuyw1hem9uyxdzlmnvbs9syxn2axquy29tl2ntcy9tzwrpys8ymdiwlza3lzi5l2l4dnfumf9tawxhbm8tmjaxoc0yls5qcgc (1)
Kvpbud 002 Lasvit Cipher Small Table Lamp Cl036ta 1Ce00 0127S1 (1)

Cipher Table Lamp Small

Yabu Pushelberg
Make an Enquiry

Cipher collection is a juxtaposition of heritage techniques and contemporary form. Its delicate hand-blown crystal cylindrical pieces are cut with clean, clear lines. Light emits only from connection points and the sources are ingeniously hidden to soften the overall effect. With components arranged in series and joined by polished champagne-gold finished connections, Cipher’s overall linear form creates a poetic visual rhythm. As a system, the Cipher collection is extremely flexible and customizable, with limitless possible configurations for private residences and bespoke installations projects.

Cipher collection is a juxtaposition of heritage techniques and contemporary form. Its delicate hand-blown crystal cylindrical pieces are cut with clean, clear lines. Light emits only from connection points and the sources are ingeniously hidden to soften the overall effect. With components arranged in series and joined by polished champagne-gold finished connections, Cipher’s overall linear form creates a poetic visual rhythm. As a system, the Cipher collection is extremely flexible and customizable, with limitless possible configurations for private residences and bespoke installations projects.


Yabu Pushelberg

George Yabu and Glenn Pushel­berg found­ed our stu­dio in 1980 with an empha­sis on inte­ri­or design and have since expand­ed our firm into a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary prac­tice...

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A Bohemian design house that merges centuries of glassmaking and craftsmanship with lighting.

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