
  • Good furniture is like a good friend: someone we like to have around us and who accompanies us through life, wherever it may take us.

    We have been making this type of furniture since 1990. Back then, ClassiCon emerged from the traditional Vereinigte Werkstätten in Munich.

    The licenses for the designs of famous designers of classical modernism, such as Eileen Gray, Eckart Muthesius and Otto Blümel, formed the foundation for today's collection. Furniture from contemporary designers such as Sebastian Herkner, Neri & Hu, Konstantin Grcic and Jader Almeida soon followed. ClassiCon thus consciously created a tension between classics and modernity from the very beginning.

    Sole owner and managing director Oliver Holy has shaped the family business with his passion for design, architecture and art for around 20 years now. Since mid-2024, he and CEO Timotheus Günak have been jointly managing ClassiCon as a management duo.

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Products by ClassiCon