
  • Imago Design is a creative laboratory, founded in 1993 and coordinated by architects Gian Luca Perissinotto and Paolo Zanetti.

    The firm gathers architects, designers and art directors, who develop integrated company communication strategies operating in all areas of design (industrial design, interior design, retail and graphic design).

    In the past, Imago Design’s Willy Dalto and Antonella di Nuzzo have produced the successful Modo Project Collection and Opera Collection for Altamarea. Industrial designer and art director, Willy Dalto has been involved in interior design and product design since 2004. In 2018 he founded his own design and research studio in Treviso. His projects range from the interior design, to product design and creative consultancy. Antonella di Nuzzo is a resident designer for Imago Design projects.

    Speaking on their projects, the pair have said “The handle characterizing Opera collection represents for us a starting point for dealing with the charm of Altamarea proposals. We thought about a piece of furniture so elegant to be suitable for furnishing even the living room. We were inspired by the Scandinavian sideboard of the fifties and the sixties. And the splendor of the brass and copper and the freedom to propose many different materials for endless customization…”

Products by Imago Design, Willy Dalto and Antonella di Nuzzo