
  • "I am not a designer, but an architect who does design."

    Jean Nouvel Design is made up of a multidisciplinary team, and is involved in the creation of furniture, interior architecture, scenography and visual communication.

    The work of Jean Nouvel is part of the tradition of architect thinkers and designers of universes of all sizes: Urban planner, architect, Jean Nouvel is also a designer because he refuses categories:

    "I do not make a difference when I draw a chair and when I think an architecture; I consider that each project is in itself a total design program. For each question asked, I look for the 'elementary' object whose final form corresponds to the 'essence' of the idea. An adequate, unique response that testifies culturally and technically to our time and our civilization."

    Jean Nouvel created JND (Jean Nouvel Design) in 1995, to support the architecture company AJN (Ateliers Jean Nouvel), through its specific design activity. Since its creation, Jean Nouvel Design has developed and produced more than a hundred objects and pieces of furniture.

Products by Jean Nouvel Design