
  • Care and attention to detail, continuous research into materials and innovation in terms of form, constant development of new lines and a discerning aesthetic sense. These are the main qualities that have made Puntotre something of a benchmark for anyone wanting to inject style into their bathroom project.

    Updates never end. Always new styles and contaminations to anticipate your ideas and satisfy any type of interior project. Furnishing solutions designed to make your life easy. With Puntotre the aesthetics of the furniture never forgets practicality and ergonomics. Latest generation components and avant-garde materials. Puntotre is recognized as a reference in the bathroom furniture sector. The possibilities for customizing our furnishings are practically endless. Discover all the combinations and create your custom bathroom. The excellence of the workmanship typical of the Italian artisan tradition, combined with the rigorous process of verification and guarantee of the product of a consolidated industrial reality.

Products by Puntotre